Planned Expansion: Church growth experts say that once a church reaches 75% of thier building capacity growth becomes stifled. That is why we believe that easy, inexpensive expansion is a critical need in today's growing churches. Through the years, Maranatha has developed the most creative and exciting expansion plans available. Our unique system with specially designed steel structure and no load bearing walls allows you to double, triple or even quadruple your seating capacity by simply and inexpensively removing the interior walls. We believe it is much cheaper to expand your sanctuary by removing some classrooms and build an education wing than it is to keep building larger sancutaries. The Maranatha building does not become obsolete.
Maranatha fan shaped seating arrangements provide an intimate environment. We are able to seat 250 within 7 rows, 450 within 9 rows and 1,000 within a 60' radius, helping churches keep that close family atmosphere.